Limbaugh Escalates Assault On Trump: "Last Chance To Expose Trump"
February 26, 2016
RUSH: Here is May in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Great to have you. You're next on Open Line Friday. How can we help you?
CALLER: (noise in the background) Yes. I'm calling because I think that Republicans have one last chance to expose Trump, and that is a guy called Rush Limbaugh. All the rest of today and all of Monday, you know Donald Trump better than any single pundit or person that's making claims. You tell him to put his taxes out there. So what if it's being audited? They're done. You call him on hiring illegal people to work for him. That is all I ask. But I do beg you to do that.
RUSH: All right. Do you have your radio on, May?
CALLER: (noise) No, sir, I do not.
RUSH: Well, what are we hearing? Is your TV on?
CALLER: No, I'm in the Comcast office. I was holding for a little over an hour, and I finally figured if I --
RUSH: Oh, I see.
CALLER: -- maybe I'll get on the phone, but I'm walking outside. Now I left Comcast.
RUSH: No, that would explain why you're frustrated. You're at the cable office.
CALLER: No, I'm not frustrated about the cable. I mean, yeah, that's inherently frustrating. But I mean, I just walked away from the guy that was helping me. I'm now back in my car, and I am begging you to expose this guy that you know probably better from playing golf with him -- which there's nothing wrong with that, but I am afraid that the world is laughing at us. They're laughing at these cage fights we call debates. We don't... We seem to have forgotten what Robert's Rules are. We insult each other. We don't have a real debate on the issues. It's sound bites. And the winner is the guy who can talk the loudest, insult people --
RUSH: You know, May, you actually are on to something even more than you know...
JUST WHEN folks thought Limbaugh could not be more obvious in his 2 month-long "schizophrenic" assault/praise of presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump, the embattled talk radio icon chose to move the desperation throttle to "bug eyed".
Limbaugh, like most highly deceptive but blatantly transparent media agendists, featured another in a long line of carefully selected and inspired Trump-Hater callers, as described below in the transcript from the February 26, 2016 addition of Limbaugh's show. The purpose of this particularly invective caller: to broadcast to 35M listeners that Limbaugh and his faithful "have one last chance to expose Trump". Especially useful, coming on the Friday before the campaign defining, Super Tuesday, March 1.
Inexplicably, Limbaugh, whose daily repeated pledge "I never endorse" failed to include in Friday show, or any other show, ever, a similar caller whose sole purpose was to point out that Limbaugh and crew had "one last chance to expose Cruz".