Rush Limbaugh "Marco Rubio.. a legitimate, full-throated conservative"
Rubio Is Not an Establishment Moderate
February 02, 2016
RUSH: I have to say one thing, one more thing, one more time. I do not like -- and I've got a Reuters story: "Marco Rubio Emerges Champion of Battered Republican Establishment." Another Reuters story, headline: "Republican Cruz Calls Iowa Win a Victory for Conservative Grassroots." I do not like, speaking for myself, I don't like this idea that Marco Rubio is all of a sudden being labeled as an establishment candidate.
I know that Rubio's got the baggage of that Gang of Eight bill and I know that in many people's minds he's got the baggage of wanting to grant the current number of illegals citizenship. I understand that. But Marco Rubio is no moderate Republican centrist. I could sit here like anybody else could and try to make explanations for you for why he did the Gang of Eight. I'm not even gonna try to put words into his mouth. I don't want to be seen as making excuses. I'm just telling you, I don't see Marco Rubio as anything other than a legitimate, full-throated conservative. Nobody's pure, and nobody is ever free of making mistakes.
IN WHAT some are calling the most absurd prevarication in the history of conservative media, Rush Limbaugh, in a seemingly desperate attempt to salvage the supposed "viability" of Marco Rubio's clearly unviable and floundering presidential campaign, on February 2, 2016, proclaimed Rubio -- the well established lead media con man of the Gang Of 8 amnesty plan to provide citizenship to 11-40M socialist/fascist-compliant illegal democrats -- to be "a legitimate, full-throated conservative" (see 2-2-2016 transcript below).
Limbaugh's laughable broadcast edict was even more contemptible given it's context: one day after Rubio's disappointing third place finish in Iowa -- after spending $12M and dedicating months of effort across the state -- and just seven days before the crucial New Hampshire primary, where Rubio's prospects became even more dismal after his stunning lack of return on his high stakes gamble in the Hawkeye state.
Limbaugh's rapidly disintegrating trust with his listeners -- given the abrupt reversal, December 14, of his fawning 6 month support for Trump -- crashed through the breaking point for many of his decades-long fans,with many now claiming to be "done" listening.
Given the stunning revelation by the New York Times, February 27, 2016 -- that Limbaugh secretly agreed with Gang Of 8 sponsors Chuck Schumer and Rubio, along with Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes, to suppress media coverage of the toxic amnesty legislation -- Limbaugh's stunningly disingenuous assertion of Rubio's "conservative" pedigree takes on a particularly malicious note.
Causing some to wonder if ElRushbo's ElRetirement is near?