JOHN KASICH: I would not go in [to the convention] and say because I have more [delegates] than them, I should get it. I have to win the delegates--
SEAN HANNITY: The effort by people to prevent -- In other words, if they're saying vote Rubio here, vote Kasich here, vote Cruz here. To prevent somebody from getting to 1237. They're allowed to do it, I believe in freedom of speech, but this is all to create a big fight on the convention floor. You said it would be an "education for our kids," I would argue that fi the number one vote getter, and delegate getter gets denied the nomination, that their supportersare going to bolt. They will not vote in the general election. Do you think I'm wrong?
JOHN KASICH: Yeah, I do. I think the Republican Party will be united as we leave the convention because we will want to beat Hillary Clinton. One of the considerations they are going to take into account is who can beat her...
SEAN HANNITY: Could I ask one last question...
If you come in third, and other people have a lot more votes than you and a lot more delegates than you, do you think you should really be up for that nomination at that point?
JOHN KASICH: I'm not going to get into projecting--
HANNITY: What if Donald Trump got third place?
KASICH: Sean, I'm not going to get into projecting what is going to happen. This is the craziest election that we've had in decades. And I'm taking things one day at a time.
Has Sean Hannity lost his mind, as well as his compass?
For the past 9 months, Hannity has insisted that by supporting and presenting all candidates, viable and not-viable, as viable nominees, that he was performing some grand philanthrophic service to his listeners "it's a healthy process". When, in fact, Hannity has had one assignment from his Establishment Media masters since June: stop Trump by helping the GOP Split The Vote campaign, in order to ensure a brokered convention.
After 2-3 debates, was there really anything of significance to be learned from the hodgepodge of candidates that any reasonably aware voter hadn't already deciphered: Donald Trump represents a unique opportunity to elect a highly accomplished billionaire businessman and proven leader; or one of 16 do nothing career politicians and far lesser accomplished non-politicians. All sharing their mutual, and only real accomplishment, being that they have worked for, and received paychecks, from others.
Where Hannity compass starts spinning out of control is his abject hypocrisy in correctly attacking the would be nomination-thief, John Kasich, for the obscenity of Kasich's outrageous decision to deny the will of tens of millions of voters, and to instead allow 2472 unknown convention delegates to decide the Republican nominee.
Hannity argues it would be outrageous for the No-Chance Kasich to stay in the race for the purpose of causing a brokered convention, and to deny "Trump or Cruz" the nomination; that it wouldn't be fair to voters.
How was it fair to voters for Hannity to all but guarantee a brokered convention, by ignoring 9 months of consistent polling that has shown Trump to be the clear runaway leader, with more than double the poll results of his nearest rival. How is it fair for Hannity to maintain that Cruz is viable when no viable path exists?
So because Hannity supports No Chance Cruz to continue, the hypocrite is completely oblivious to the fact that by supporting Cruz, a man with no real chance at the nomination, and has supported a plethora of other candidates since April 2015, he is doing, and has done, exactly what he accuses Kasich of doing: fighting to deny the will of the majority of voters.
By fighting for a brokered convention, both Hannity and Kasich are frauds fighting to deny the will of the voters. Except Hannity still denies it, after 9 months.