March 24, 2016
If you can read the following transcript, and still claim that Rush Limbaugh is not a vicious Trump saboteur, then you've probably crossed into Limbot delusion territory.
Limbaugh has been playing the standard FOX News/Megyn Kelly game, "praise Trump, disqualify Trump" daily, since December 14, when his Establishment Media masters apparently ordered him to join the rest of Establishment controlled "conservative" media, to: 1) stop Trump ("he's not a genuine conservative") ; 2) pump up Cruz ("closest thing to Reagan in our lifetimes"); 3) force a brokered convention (by keeping Trump under 1237); 4) all while keeping his audience (we'll see).
Since December 14, the lights have come on, brightly, to expose Rush Limbaugh as one of the best and most dangerous propagandists in American broadcast media history. Yes, dangerous, if America's future as a constitutional republic matters.
Roughly half of Limbaugh's faithful have followed their lovable fuzzball's edicts and now support No Chance Cruz, and believe Trump is getting fair treatment.
Pounding the absurd GOP/Bush/Cruz felonious talking point "Trump's not a conservative", the past 4 months, Limbaugh and company have taken "Lyin Ted" -- a marginalized accomplish-nothing pariah for 4 years, until October --from his natural 3-6% support, to 20%. And, all but stopped Trump's train.
Since December 14, Limbaugh has proved: you can call a conservative a mass murderer ("he's not a conservative") but as long as you frequently point out nice obvious things as well, half your deluded and confused audience will cling to the notion you're still "fair and balanced". Limbaugh's simply employing the well established FIX News/Murdoch/Ailes/O'Reilly M.O. "proclaim conservatism, while destroying every attempt to implement conservatism of any consequence".
10 months of Trump's attempt to implement conservatism of real consequence, has shown Rush Limbaugh, like Mark Levin, to be unequivocal "Anti-Establishment" Establishment Media frauds.
The following is an exact copy, straight from
2016-03-24 @ 1:50 PM RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW
RUSH: Terry in Hewitt,Texas. Great to have you. Hi.
CALLER: Hi. Hi, Rush.
RUSH: How you doing?
CALLER: I'm fine.
RUSH: Good.
CALLER: But I'm a little confused. I've been listening to you warn us for years about the Democrats, you say, "when you can't win in the arena of ideas you resort to personal attacks," and that's what Donald Trump does all the time.
If you're a woman, you become a bimbo and a pig, And if you're a man, then you've been on your knees begging him for money. I just wondered, do you think for a minute that he wouldn't use the IRS, the EPA, and the FBI to go after his enemies? He's still got a vendetta against Megyn Kelly, and now he's starting on Heidi Cruz.
RUSH: Yeah, isn't it amazing how he gets away with this stuff? Why do you think that is, Terry? I was at this dinner that I've been describing last night with some friends of mine that I haven't seen in a while. We're talking about all of this stuff, how he gets away with it, why do his supporters not abandon him, why does the media not step forward and offer blanket condemnation and suggest he's unfit for American politics. Why does his popularity not suffer. I mean, can you help me understand any of this?
This is yet another in a long line of daily outrageous and truly vicious attacks by Limbaugh, to disqualify Trump, since December 14, using carefully selected surrogate callers to say exactly what Limbaugh wants said.
Fair & Balanced? Since December 14, Limbaugh has not offered a single criticism of Cruz, of consequence, despite his serial prevarication and now open effort to deny 40M voters the right to choose their nominee. Something Limbaugh pretends to oppose.
Limbaugh, we now know, is a dangerous duplicitous GOP fraud, doing everything he can to keep Trump below 1237 so as to force a GOP brokered convention where another GOP Romney-grade puppet will lose to Hillghazi and preserve the DC status quo, the Status Quo Media, and Limbaugh's $50M/yr Establishment Media gravy train.